The naming of many early Edmonton neighbourhoods tended to honour European men, but Idylwylde is unique. A Welsh word, originating from the word 'idyll', which refers to a short poem which describes a picturesque scene or incident, especially in rustic life. It also defines as 'an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene, typically an idealized or unsustainable one': the rural idyll remains strongly evocative in most industrialized societies. Idylwylde is perhaps aptly named.
By 1913, it had amalgamated into the City of Edmonton along with Strathcona. The next stage of re-development came in the 1950′s, when many homes were built in the newly subdivided area. Most original homes were built by Golden Homes. Like many mature neighbourhoods in Edmonton today, Idylwylde is going through a transformation with increasing density and the completion of the Valley Line LRT as the city grows to 2 million people. Centrally located, Idylwylde provides quick access to Whyte Ave., downtown, and Mill Creek Ravine.
It is unfortunate that a fire long ago destroyed many local records in Strathcona. A few photos of our area from the 1950′s are hanging inside the Community Hall. The City of Edmonton Archives also preserve pieces of our community's history, including how much of our neighbourhood was developed by Golden Homes. Learn more from The City of Edmonton.
To see our neighborhood from the sky, check out our drone footage from our 2022 Community League Day here.